Residentstechknow2021-06-04T12:34:18-05:00 Welcome to New Baden! Click on the link below for New Baden’s welcome packet. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Village Hall, 588-3813. Welcome Packet Here is our Welcome Packet. Zoning Map Zoning Map (Updated March 2010) Republic Services Republic Services trash guidelines. Street Map Download a PDF Street Map. Housing This will provide you a list of housing resources in New Baden. Recycling Guide Only available for residents in the New Baden corporate limits. *Holiday Schedule OPEN BURNING The Village of New Baden does not allow open burning. This includes the burning of yard-waste, household trash, and agricultural waste. You can subscribe for yard waste services by contacting Republic Services/Allied Waste. Quick Links New Baden Utilities AmerenGas & Electric Service Homefield EnergyElectric Aggregation for residents within the Corporate Limits of New Baden Spectrum Cable Quick Links Frontier Communications DirecTV Republic ServicesGarbage Disposal, Recycling, Yard Waste Clinton County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Electric Service only for White Oaks Subdivision Residents Electric Aggregation Homefield Energy Homefield EnergyRates for Village of New Baden Good Energy Committee for Municipal Electricity Choice