New Baden Special Utilities: Water & Sewer
Please contact Village Hall (618-588-3813) to establish water and sewer at your new residence. A $100.00 Water Deposit is required. Bills are due by the 15th of the month. Unpaid bills after this date will be considered delinquent and a 10% penalty assessed. Failure to make payment in full by the 25th of the month can result in disconnection of service. If disconnection occurs, a reconnection fee of $25 is assessed and service restored after full payment of debt.
Payments can be made 24/7 via the night deposit slot located on the west side of Village Hall (South Railway Street). The Village also offers a direct debit option (see below for more info).
Water Meters are read around the 15th of each month. Bills are mailed to be received on the 1st of the month. Payments are always due on the 15th of the month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or a holiday, please make sure payment is in the night deposit box by the following business day at 8:30 am to avoid penalty assessment.
Electronic Billing (E-bill) is now offered. Follow this link to register for the E-bill option. A paper bill will no longer generate with the E-bill option.
The Village of New Baden is not responsible for undelivered water/ sewer bills.

Direct Debit Bill Pay
Download the “Direct Debit” form in the Document Center under Utilities. Return the completed form, along with a voided check or deposit slip, to Village Hall prior to the last business day of the month to become enrolled. The Direct Debit deduction will take place on the 10th of the month. If the 10th falls on a weekend or a holiday, it will be deducted the next business day. Bills will still be received on the first day of the month. The bill will state the amount due that will be deducted on the 10th of the month.

Water Quality Report
Annual Water Quality Report for the period of January 1 to December 31, 2016. This report is intended to provide you with important information about your drinking water and the efforts made by the New Baden water system to provide safe drinking water. You can find the 2017 Water Quality Report in the Document Center under the Utilities Folder.

Deduct Meter
The Village Board has approved the use of a “deduct meter.” This meter will allow you to track your water usage on outside faucets, for such purposes as sprinklers, swimming pools, car washing, etc. and will allow for a one-time per year sewer credit for the water used.
The meter sells for approximately $100, plus an annual $10 service fee to the Village. Prior to initial use, each meter must be registered at Village Hall. Every October you must provide the meter reading to Village Hall (for your convenience, provide a photo of both the meter lid and the meter reading). You will receive a one-time sewer credit for the year, at this time the the annual $10 service fee will be charged to your account.
Water & Sewer Rate Schedule
Water Rates: Effective bills due July 15, 2022. SLM Water District raised their rates $0.30 per 1,000 gallons, effective May 1, 2022
Inside Corporate Limits – Individual and Industrial Users
First 1,000 gallons $7.60 MINIMUM CHARGE
Next 4,000 gallons $5.05 per 1,000 gallons
Over 5,000 gallons $4.60 per 1,000 gallons
Outside Village Corporate Limits – Individual and Industrial Users
First 1,000 gallons $10.85 MINIMUM CHARGE
Next 4,000 gallons $7.05 per 1,000 gallons
Over 5,000 gallons $6.35 per 1,000 gallons
Sewer Rates: Effective bills due May 15, 2023 per Ordinance 2015-10-19-A
Inside Corporate Limits – Individual and Industrial Users
First 2,000 gallons $19.00 MINIMUM CHARGE
Over 2,000 gallons $9.50 per 1,000 gallons
Inside Corporate Limits – Sewer Only (No water account)
Flat Rate of $20.00
Outside Corporate Limits – Sewer Only (No water account)
Flat Rate of $25.00
Section 38-4-11(D) Further, all rates as indicated above shall be increased and passed on to the end users of the Village, at such times, as may be warranted by any fee increases assessed to the Village by the Summerfield, Lebanon, Mascoutah Water District. (Ord. 850, 02/07/11)
Cross Connection Control Inventory
A cross connection is a connection between a potable (drinkable) water supply and a non-potable (non-drinkable) source, where a contaminant potentially could enter the drinking water supply. Cross connections should be protected by a valve called a backflow preventer.
Due to the possibility of contamination, community water suppliers are required by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to adopt and enforce a Cross Connection Control Ordinance. This ordinance requires the elimination of all cross connections, either by removal or by the installation of proper cross connection control devices.
The first step in this process is for the Village of New Baden Water Department to survey all the water users in the Village. This survey will compile the necessary information to implement the program.
To complete the survey online: Cross Connection Control Inventory Form via Google Forms
Please contact Village Hall with any questions.
Water Service Line Survey
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency recently revised the lead and copper rule for community drinking water, requiring municipalities to gather and update water service line material information for all structures connected to the distribution system. Participation from water customers is essential for completing this inventory and the Village of New Baden Water Department is asking for your help.
To complete the survey online: Water Service Line Survey via Google Forms
Contact Village Hall with any questions.
2nd Water Meter Installation
This is ideal for sprinkler systems or those residents who water their yard on a regular basis during the summer months.
Please contact Village Hall with any questions.
Deduct Water Meter
This “deduct meter” will allow you to track your water usage on outside faucets, for such purposes as sprinklers, swimming pools, car washing, etc.
The meter will cost you approximately $100, plus an annual $10 service fee to the Village. Each meter must be registered at Village Hall. Every year in October (between 10/1 and 10/20), you must bring your meter into Village Hall for a reading. You will receive a one-time credit at that time for the year.
The meter can be purchased at the New Baden Aviston Lumber, 588-3555.
The Utilities Chapter of the Village’s Code of Ordinance can be viewed by clicking here.
As of August 6, 2012, you must have a deduct meter to receive any pool credits. The Village will no longer be estimating usage when you fill your pool in the summer months.
Please contact Village Hall with any questions.